9 comments on “Get Your Estate In Order Aphids: Good Guys Arrive

  1. Gotta love those Lady Bugs!! We had one follow us home from the Jersey Shore today, it had been on my daughter all day, she was starting to feel like she was being stalked.We drove home and I pulled out my blanket and there it was.I hope she likes it in our garden.
    Thanks for marking me as a fave on Blotanical…it was such a nice way to “find” your blog!

  2. We bought some lady bugs awhile back and every now and then I still catch a glimpse of a few. I wish that more had stuck around, but it is just so hot in our part of the world!

  3. Two things . . . .

    Are you having any problems with the Harlequin Ladybird? We haven’t got it in Dorset yet but it is causing problems in some parts of England.

    And . . .

    We were astonished when we first came across ladybird larvae. I haven’t checked, but I think they must vary slightly between the different breeds – but ours are purple little monsters with raised yellow spots. (This sounds like a joke but truly, it isn’t.) We don’t see them often – but, when we do, they are extraordinary. They’d do well as extras in a dinosaur film.


  4. I hadn’t read about them Esther! I believe that they are in the U.S., but I don’t think I’ve seen them in my garden. From what I can tell, it can be tough to tell them apart from more normal (less invasive) ladybirds. It seems like, while they don’t pose an eating threat to plants, they do outcompete other species and that can throw things off. I’m going to take a closer look at the ladybugs in my garden to see if I suspect any harlequins.

    And the larvae sound extra cool!

  5. I’ve never noticed a lady bug larvae for that…I’m sure I’ve seen then before, thought it might eat me, and left it alone đŸ˜‰

  6. You’re right Amy. These larvae look capable of some serious carnivorous action. I can only imagine how terrifying it is for those evil aphids to see one of these things coming at them!

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